#How to turn on wifi hotspot in your laptop
Hi guys, in this tutorial I will show you how you can turn on the wifi in your laptop without using any kind of external softwares. All you need is a laptop that supports wifi and a good internet connection.
So first of all open command prompt in administrator mode. (Click start->search->cmd->right click)
then type the following code and press enter :
netsh wlan show drivers
You will see a lot of things there just scroll upwards and look for hosted network supported : yes/no
If that is yes then only you can turn on the wifi.
now type this code :
netsh wlan start hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=nameofyournetwork key=8wordpass
You will see either your network getting started or showing hostednetwork couldn't be started(It is powered down).
If it starts continue reading else goto the last portion of this post.
Now open control panel and goto network and sharing centre. There open your main network, for me that is Network 2(Local area connection). Just open it and click properties->sharing->allow other network users to use this network connection(check that box and select the network from below for below which for me is local area connection *5)
Just follow these steps back to back and you will have your hospot running.
# Now if it shows couldn't start the hosted network for you. Then you would have to reinstall your wifi drivers for which go to control panel->search for device manager and open it->open network adaptors->right click on your wifi driver(most cases it is atheros/railink)->click uninstall but make sure you uncheck the box showing delete this driver as we don't want to do that. After you are done with that reinstall your desired wifi driver->restart pc and follow these steps one by one again(It will work)
I am also including a video tutorial for this same trick. So check it out if you visual more than reading :)